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Home/Blog/End-of-Summer Checklist: 12 Things to Check Off

End-of-Summer Checklist: 12 Things to Check Off

By Ethan Boldt

August 8, 2024

End of summer checklist

If you’re looking for an end-of-summer checklist that tells you all about what you need to do to be ready for fall (or God forbid, winter!), you’ve come to the wrong place. We’re talking end-of-the-summer bucket list here! The stuff that you haven’t done yet but probably want to, solo or with loved ones.

If you’re like me, you may have noticed that summer has gone way too fast and there are so many things you want to do that you haven’t gotten to yet. Well, the good news is that summer doesn’t officially end until September 22nd, so there’s plenty of time to indulge in some summer fun before the days get shorter and a chill enters the air.

Here’s a list of 12 end-of-summer activities that deserve a spot on your must-do list. The underlying themes are getting outside more, making full use of summer (including certain foods and drinks) and simply having fun. You’ll head into fall feeling rejuvenated and with few regrets!

1. Hike, swim, row and bike

Still working out indoors, whether at your gym or in your own space? Take your fitness outside while you can, especially as temperatures begin to moderate a bit.

Find some great hiking trails nearby and take a friend, which can include your dog. Swim in a river, lake or ocean. Rent a canoe and row away in a lake or river. Get on your bike and plan out a long bike ride a couple of times a week.

Similar to forest bathing, spending time in nature promotes a healthy immune system, lowers stress levels and boosts the mood. Doing it with loved ones makes it even more fun … and safer.

Strategize and plan it out, in terms of where you go, what to bring (water, snacks, maybe even a picnic lunch) and check the weather.

2. Whip up some homemade ice cream

Making your own ice cream used to be a standard summer thing to do. Not so much anymore. But ice cream makers are pretty inexpensive these days, and you can even make no-churn recipes as well.

Even better? You can now make ice creams that are good for you, with plenty of healthy fats and protein, yet without dairy or sugar. Try one of these ice creams:

3. Get to the beach

Even if it’s at a lake, spending part of the day at the beach is magical. Get some vitamin D after putting on sunscreen and just let your mind relax as you listen to the natural sounds of the waves and wind.

4. Put down the smartphone; pick up a book

Maybe at that beach or under a tree on a nice day, also make sure you ditch the smartphone for part of every summer day (or longer). Instead, pick up a book and lose yourself in an alternative world instead of the stressful current one.

5. Take a real vacation

Are you a workaholic? You’re not alone if you’re an American. A startlingly high number of Americans (65 percent!) recently said that they feel as if they don’t take enough time off. In fact, in the 2024 Harris Poll, 78 percent of Americans don’t use the maximum amount of paid time off (PTO) that their employer allows.

But August is the perfect time to take some real time off, as most workplaces are less burdened with work and plenty of folks (including your boss!) are taking time off before back to school, September workloads, etc. commence.

Certain airlines offer very cheap fares. Plan a week getaway, in the U.S. or abroad, and unplug as much as you can. Even your work will thank you, as you’ll arrive back at work refueled.

6. At least go away for the weekend

While traveling to a faraway place may not be in the budget, a weekend or even day trip in your area can fulfill that wanderlust yet skip all that travel stress. There are so many different options not that far from you, whether it’s a state park to hike, a beach town to enjoy, a city to enjoy some entertainment or even the great outdoors for a camping excursion.

7. Try pickleball

Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve probably heard all about pickleball, the incredibly popular sport that can be played at almost any age. Go online and find a nearby court. Equipment is cheap, too.

Convince a pal to take up this new sport, including those who no longer can play more joint-challenging sports like tennis and basketball.

8. Frequent a farmers’ market

One of the chief pleasures of summer are particular summer foods, of which many come into season late summer. The best place to find these vegetables (like fresh tomatoes, zucchini and peppers) and fruits (peaches, nectarines and plums may still be available, with apples around the corner) is at your local farmers’ market. Check out this list of August fruits and vegetables.

Not only is shopping at your farmers’ market the spot for the freshest produce, it’s also a chance to get to know your local farmers and maybe even some neighbors. Moreover, you can be assured that you’re getting veggies and fruit that are often more nutrient-dense, will last longer in the fridge and are also cheaper than anything you can buy in the grocery store.

9. Host a summer BBQ

Haven’t caught up with enough family or friends yet? Easy solution is hosting a weekend BBQ. Make it extra fun by theming it, such as Caribbean drinks, foods and desserts. Ask your guests to bring specific things that do three things: eases your burden, makes them part of the planning and helps assure that they will show up!

Check out our list of summer mocktails and summer desserts to choose from. Great options include frozen watermelon margarita, matcha lemonade, homemade fruit popsicles and grilled peaches.

10. Eat al fresco, even on work days

A hard part of summer is working inside when you just know that many of your friends and others are outside frolicking in the sun. FOMO!

An easy cheat is to simply eat outside at lunch, especially on pleasant weather days. If you go to different cities in Europe, this is what almost everyone does. So feel a little Parisian and BYOL to a nearby outside spot, or make reservations at a cafe for an outdoor table.

Couldn’t get out that day? Then make your dinner happen outdoors that evening, maybe even at your place by the grill. It can add some relaxing fun to make you forget all about a potentially stressful work day.

11. Indulge in some outdoor entertainment

If you live in or near a city, you’d be surprised how many outdoor concerts and events occur every weekend and even some weekday nights. Check your local listings and see what’s happening. Bring some loved ones, some easy picnic foods and get in the groove.

12. Show off that summer fashion style while you can

You’ll be wearing sweatshirts and sweaters before you know it. So enjoy those new or old summer threads that you’re super comfortable in and that also are just plain fun to wear.

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