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Six Kingdoms of Life: Benefits Plus Featured in a New Supplement

By Jordan Rubin

October 7, 2022

Six kingdoms benefits

Most supplements feature only several ingredients, such as specific vitamins and minerals, as well as fillers that are typically used as bulking agents. 

In comparison, Ancient Nutrition’s new line of organ/glandular supplements, such as our Organs Blend Capsules, feature multiple ingredients from different “kingdoms of life.”

There are actually six kingdoms, and they include plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and others. We’ve created patented, first-of-its-kind supplements featuring species from each kingdom in order to provide complementary benefits that other supplements made from just one species cannot. 

Below we’ll look at why inclusion of different species is important for supporting your overall health, plus some of the key benefits associated with each kingdom of life.

What Are the 6 Kingdoms? 

Overall, of all the living cellular organisms on planet Earth, there are three domains that we group them into: Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. These three domains are then further subdivided into “six kingdoms of life.”

The 6 kingdoms of life include:

  • Archaebacteria

  • Eubacteria

  • Protista

  • Fungi

  • Plantae

  • Animalia

How is each kingdom distinguished from another? Within each of these kingdoms, there’s a wide range of variety among species, and they don’t necessarily share the same ancestors. However, species within the same kingdom have in common important traits, including:

  • Cell types (which can include prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells)

  • Diets/how they acquire nutrients (such as via photosynthesis, absorption or ingestion)

  • Methods of reproduction (such as asexual vs. sexual reproduction)

Here are more details characteristics and examples of each of the six kingdoms of life:

1. Archaebacteria

These are single-celled prokaryotes that began as bacteria. They’re capable of living where many other species cannot, such as in acidic and very hot environments, and also within the human body and other animals.

They reproduce asexually and most require oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and/or sulfur to survive. Examples include Crenarchaeota, Methanogens and Euryarchaeota. 

2. Eubacteria

These are the bacteria that most of us are more familiar with, such as the species that populate the human gut microbiome. They are prokaryotic cell types that produce asexually.

They can acquire nutrients in various ways such as absorption, photosynthesis, or chemosynthesis, depending on the specific kind. Examples include E.coli, Cyanobacteria and Lactobacilli.

3. Protista

This is a very broad and diverse kingdom that includes species that seem to have little in common, such as algae and molds. These are eukaryotic organisms that can have mitochondria and chloroplasts, just like plants and animals do.

They rely on oxygen to survive, and some are pathogenic and harmful while some are beneficial. Examples include green and blue algaes like kelp and wakame, amoebae and foarms, and rhizaria.

4. Fungi

This kingdom includes various yeasts, molds and mushrooms that have eukaryotic cell types and need oxygen to survive. They support many different environments, including soil health, by decomposing organic matter and then acquiring nutrients through absorption.

They reproduce through spore formation, such as by spreading through dirt or on a host such as wood. Some are poisonous/toxic while others are highly beneficial, such as “functional mushroom” species. Examples include different types of edible mushrooms like chanterelles and oyster mushrooms, plus reishi, cordyceps, Lion’s mane and others.

5. Plantae

This is essentially the plant group, which includes vascular and nonvascular plants, flowering and non-flowering plants, and seed-bearing and non-seed bearing plants.

Plants ere eukaryotic and multicellular, make their food via photosynthesis, reproduce asexually, require oxygen and are non-mobile. Examples include vegetables, fruits, cactuses, herbs, shrubs and trees.

6. Animalia

This group includes all animals, which are multicellular eukaryotes that acquire nutrition from other species, such as plants, fungi and also other animals. Animals need oxygen to survive, as well as many different nutrients, and reproduce sexually. Examples include all types of mammals (including humans), amphibians, fish, sponges, insects and worms.

Benefits for Overall Health

Each of the six kingdoms have its own functions and benefits. 

For example, plants are obviously vital to the health of the whole planet, animals and humans for many reasons. They provide essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals plus oxygen, they help to clean the air, and they also produce materials that can be used to make f clothes and so on.

Fungi help to break down things that have died in nature, such as plants and wood, in order to replenish the soil with nutrients. Some fungi are also used to help make beneficial supplements.

Certain types of bacteria populate our bodies (especially our guts) and also the bodies of animals, helping to assist in nutrient absorption and healthy immune system function. 

Algae are excellent sources of nutrients such as vitamin B12, calcium, potassium, iron, selenium, magnesium, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Algae also contribute to a healthier plant by playing an essential role in aquatic ecosystems, such as by supplying nutrients and energy for different sea life and organisms. 

Ancient Nutrition's 6 Kingdom Patent for Nutritional Supplements 

Within Ancient Nutrition’s new line of Multi Organ Supplements, species from all six kingdoms of life have been carefully utilized in order to provide the most complementary benefits. 

These include species such as: sheep and beef liver, fish roe, turmeric root, reishi mushroom, spirulina, Bacillus coagulans probiotic bacteria, goji berry, lion’s mane mushroom, and chlorella, among others.

Our “Patented Six-Kingdom Oral Nutritional Supplement Composition” refers to the unique nutritional composition found within our glandular/organ supplements, which requires at least one ingredient from each of the six biological Kingdoms to be included. This patent separates our supplement from nearly all others on the market, as we’re the only supplement option that includes such diversity of species.

Nutritional supplements meeting the criteria for the Six Kingdom Patent have measurable beneficial effects on the human body, including overall broad-spectrum benefits for:

  • Healthy immune system function

  • Healthy metabolism (in conjunction with an overall healthy diet and lifestyle, including regular exercise)

  • Healthy digestion

  • Healthy circulation and cardiovascular functions

  • Healthy energy levels

When ingested together, multi-species ingredients provide complementary benefits and an array of nutrients that individual ingredients cannot. 

For example, inclusion of plant and fungi species provides nutrients such as vitamin D and enzymes, while animal parts provide omega-3s, iron, active vitamin A and vitamin B12.

The combination of different kingdom species also supports enhanced absorption and proliferation, contributing to overall well-being. For instance, bacteria and algae consumed together can contribute to enhanced gut health.

All six kingdom species ingredients used in our supplements are minimally refined or unrefined while still being safe for human consumption. They are prepared in a way that makes them easy to take by mouth in capsule form.

4 New Organ Products that Feature the 6 Kingdom Patent

1. Ancient Glandulars Liver Capsules 

Made from grass-fed bovine liver, which supplies iron, vitamin A, vitamin B12 and other compounds, as well as SBO probiotics. Helpful for supporting healthy energy, healthy blood, healthy bones and a healthy immune system.

Features the following kingdom species:

  • Animal: Bovine and Ovine Liver

  • Plant: Organic Beet Root 

  • Fungi: Organic Reishi Mushroom Extract 

  • Bacteria: Bacillus coagulans

  • Protist: Organic Spirulina 

  • Archaea: Shilajit

2. Ancient Glandulars Organs Blend Capsules 

Made from grass-fed bovine liver, heart, kidneys, adrenals, pancreas, plus ovine/sheep liver, kidneys and heart, and probiotics. Great source of choline, vitamin A, iron and B vitamins.

Features the following kingdom species:

  • Animal: Bovine and Ovine Organs and Glands

  • Plant: Organic Beet Root 

  • Fungi: Organic Reishi Mushroom Extract 

  • Bacteria: Bacillus coagulans

  • Protist: Organic Spirulina 

  • Archaea: Shilajit

3. Ancient Glandulars Women’s Vitality Capsules 

Made from grass-fed bovine liver, adrenals, pancreas, pituitary,  thyroid, uterus, ovary, mammary glands and placenta. High in vitamin D3, iron, B12 and more. Supports healthy bones, healthy blood, healthy hormone production and a healthy immune system. 

Features the following kingdom species:

  • Animal: Bovine and Ovine Organs and Glands

  • Plant: Organic Beet Root 

  • Fungi: Organic Chaga Mushroom Extract 

  • Bacteria: Bacillus coagulans

  • Protist: Organic Spirulina 

  • Archaea: Shilajit

4. Ancient Glandulars Male Performance Capsules 

Made from grass-fed bovine liver, heart, kidneys, adrenals, pancreas, orchic, aorta, prostate and pituitary, plus ovine/sheep liver, kidneys and heart. High in zinc, selenium, iron, B vitamins and more that support healthy hormone production, physical performance and sexual health. 

Features the following kingdom species:

  • Animal: Bovine and Ovine Organs and Glands

  • Plant: Organic Beet Root 

  • Fungi: Organic Cordyceps Mushroom Extract 

  • Bacteria: Bacillus coagulans

  • Protist: Organic Spirulina 

  • Archaea: Shilajit

Jordan Rubin is one of America’s most recognized and respected natural health experts. He is the New York Times bestselling author of The Maker’s Diet and 29 additional titles, including his latest work The Probiotic Diet. An eco-entrepreneur, author and lecturer on health and nutrition, Jordan is the co-founder of Ancient Nutrition, where he currently serves as CEO. Jordan is also the founder of Heal the Planet Farm and the Ancient Nutrition Center for Regenerative Agriculture located in southern Missouri and middle Tennessee respectively.

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